Archive for July, 2014

Exciting August!
Jul 30th
Hey guys!
So July is almost over and August is nearly upon us, and I couldn’t be more excited for it! Not only do I start school again but I get to travel to LA for the first time in years! While I’m out there I will be working the Glamourcon convention in Long Beach. It runs from Saturday 23rd to Sunday 24th August. For full details click here. I’ll be there all day on both days so if you are in the area then come say hi!! :-)
Also while I’m there I will be shooting some new content for my site. This will include shoots with some sexy girls including Masuimi Max and Sarah Peachez. I’m hoping to set up some more shoots with other girls but I will let you know. :-)
Of course the best ways to keep up to date with my life is via Twitter and of course my member shows where you get to talk to me live and ask me whatever you want to. If you haven’t been to my member shows before then here’s some screen caps from my past few shows that will show you what you are missing…..
So hopefully I will see you in one of my shows soon!!
Much love guys,
Bri xo